Friday, January 9, 2009


When you are born,

Your world is so small

Mother’s lap & father’s shoulder

Is all you know of.

And then you grow up

Startled that the business of life is very mean

And before you realize

You are turned into a machine.

While you make money, drink, dance

and chill out

all you hear is noises

and Voices die out.

You don’t even know how long you’ve been pretending

Being a person, you never thought of

So why not once be your innocent self

And damn the showing of

We always portray what we wanna be

We never cherish what we actually are

We become a person of other’s want

And our true self stands far

So being yourself is not that bad

It’s mighty hard I agree

but it may well turn you on

and stand on top and bounce and flee!!!