Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Little more Rambling!!

The Wakeup call rings,

Brings in a Sigh,

Yet another day has begun

Just to pass by.

You set out yet again,

To make it an EXTRAordinary day,

You step out of your house,

And the EXTRA blows away.

However much you try,

You will always be part of a Rat Race,

Its become such a long queue,

Someone is gotto be ahead.

So why don’t you just take a pause,

to think, to take a break,

That it doesn’t matter how different you are,

But the difference that you make.

So, any clue what it means?? Ok, dont bother to answer that one..Even I dont know ;-))


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Sourabh Chourey said...

You r improving by the day.....its cooool

Prerana said...

cute..short...and sweet !!
keep up the good work !!!